Communication Analysis Team – Ukraine

Social communication watchcats

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CAT-UA was initially a volunteer team that assembled on the first day of the full-scale invasion, February 24, 2022, to assist Ukrainian military and civilian authorities with media analysis. Over time, we turned into a public organization, the goal of which is transparent and modern principles and formats of communication in Ukraine, as well as abroad – regarding Ukraine. We conduct research to combat manipulation, misleading influence and information special operations

Our team

Артем Захарченко

Artem Zakharchenko

head of the organization

Сandidate of Sciences in Social Communications, writer, lecturer at the Institute of Journalism of Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv

Євген Лузан

Evgen Luzan

leading analyst

Analyst of information. Interests: history, geography, and books

Юлія Максимцова

leading analyst

Analyst. Structuring information before it became mainstream

Олексій Рогальов

Oleksiy Rogalov

leading analyst

Content analyst, media technologist

Ангеліка Мачула

Angelika Machula

leading analyst

Bachelor of Journalism and Social Communications, specialist in content monitoring and analysis, television editor, performer

Олена Зіненко

Olena Zinenko


Media researcher, specialist in philology and social communications, human rights and gender equality expert, media trainer

Марина Фурсенко

Maryna Fursenko


Media researcher

Валерія Молоціян

Valeriya Molotsiyan


Bachelor of Sociology, specialist in social and media communications, media analytics and social communications reseacrch

Юлія Строчинська

Yulia Strochynska


Media researcher

By the first anniversary of the project, CAT-UA analysts have received awards from the Ministry of Defense: medals “For assistance to the Armed Forces of Ukraine”

Our partners

Theoretical foundations


Artem Zakharchenko